Covid Update 11/11/2022

Educator Alert- Covid-19 Update

  Covid-19 Update

Following our recent communication regarding the Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment, the Federal Government have announced they will be reinstating the $750 payment for eligible people until 30 September 2022.

Educators who chose not to waive Gap Fee and claim financial support, please click on the button below to learn more:

As this is a business decision for each Educator, please take into consideration the following details, should you decide to waive the Gap Fee: Speak to an Enhance Admin team member for advice. If you choose to waive the Gap Fee for families affected by COVID-19, your decision should be fair and equitable for all families registered with your service. Provide written evidence to your service of dates and reason of isolation (relevant to both family and or educator circumstances). Include educator comments to child’s timesheet. Please list details behind the absent day, for example, child isolating due to COVID-19 or Educator isolating due to COVID-19 (waiving Gap Fees).
Considering the recent increase of and forecasted number of positive COVID-19 cases across Queensland, we would like to take this opportunity to share preferred protocols to help safeguard yourself, the children in your care, families and team members.

Confirmed positive COVID-19 cases and Close Contacts:
Please follow the current Queensland Health advice regarding close contact quarantine and testing requirements here.

Follow the steps outlined by Queensland Health if you are unwell or have been in close contact with a person who has COVID-19 here.

Health and Hygiene Reminders: Educators should review the Enhance Health and Hygiene Commitment Plan here Provide hand sanitiser or hand washing facilities upon entry to the service for families and children In some instances, it may be preferable to move the parent sign in area outside and limit the process to one family at a time Encourage social distancing at arrival and departure times Display visitor face mask (optional) requirement poster Ask your Practice Mentor to wear a mask during support visits and at Educators' discretion Limit drop off and collection of children to one guardian (where possible) Hand sanitiser station on entry (close to Visitors Log, Parent log in station) Clean and wipe the sign in and sign out devices and areas after each parent Maintain regular hand washing with children, on arrival into the service, regularly throughout the day, in addition to normal hand washing times, and before leaving the service Clean door handles, toys, bathroom and eating surfaces regularly Utilise outdoor play spaces to minimise instances where children are in confined areas for long periods of time (where possible within your daily program and routine and during support visits with your practice mentor) Consider the ventilation within your care setting e.g. regularly open windows, breezeways, screens allowing natural ventilation within the care setting Communicate with parents regarding unwell children in care Ensure the Visitors Log is signed - including name, contact information, date and time of visit If you become aware of a positive COVID-19 case or close contact, being either yourself, a family member, a child in your care, or a family member of a child, please contact your Practice Mentor immediately. If you become aware after hours, please call (07) 3899 1655 to alert the service and receive further advice.

Kind regards

Educator Alert | COVID-19 Isolation and Close Contact Protocols


Isolation & Close Contact Protocols

Further to our recent email detailing the COVID-19 Response Update, we are continuing to review information as distributed by both State and Federal governments in relation to the delayed return to school, CCS Processing and Educator business information. Please note this information is current as of Thursday 20 January, we will continue to notify you with updates as they become available.

Delayed start to school I Queensland Government Guidelines
The Minister’s decision to delay the commencement of the 2022 school year to Monday 7 February, for all Queensland students in Prep to Year 10,  is a response to manage workforce shortages through the peak of the COVID-19 outbreak in Queensland. All Queensland state schools will be accessible for essential workers and vulnerable children, from Monday 24 January, 2022.

We have been informed that school aged children can attend Family Day Care for the two weeks prior to the delayed school start. School aged children are eligible for Child Care Subsidy if face to face or formal remote schooling is not available, on the proviso that no formal schooling will be provided to school aged children in the Family Day Care setting. 

Gap fee waiving
Enhance Family Day Care will continue to process and charge Gap payments. Gap fees will be charged to Absent days, as per normal practice in the current climate, until further notice. Children will be marked absent in Harmony, as per the normal process, and this will come off their current Allowable Absent days (52 days total). Please note, if an Educator is required to pause care or isolate, due to COVID-19, timesheets will not be processed during this period. Please refer to the Educator Support Information below, for further financial assistance, in the event your income is impacted due to your inability to work.

Allowable Absent Days
All children have an additional 10 allowable absences for the 2021–22 financial year, bringing the total to 52 allowable absences. Additional absences are available to help those families and services affected by COVID-19 but can be used for any reason. Absences will automatically be applied.

Educator Support Information I Educators who have closed due to COVID-19
Educators affected by COVID-19, those needing to self-isolate, or quarantine, may be eligible for one-off emergency payments. This financial support is offered by Services Australia and is to be accessed directly via your MyGov account, DESE App or by phoning DESE directly.

Please view the following links to Services Australia:

COVID-19 Isolation & Close Contact Protocols
Steps can be taken to prevent the spread of the virus into early childhood settings. Anyone with new respiratory symptoms; including children, parents, Educators and staff, should stay home and isolate for 7 days and only return to work if symptoms have subsided or a negative test returned. For a detailed overview of the Enhance Isolation & Close Contact Protocols please click the button below:

Please continue to follow the current Queensland Health advice, as outlined here.

If you have any further questions, please speak with your Practice Mentor. For all questions or concerns regarding the Child Care Subsidy, please contact your Enhance Administrator.

We thank you for your patience whilst we continue to receive formal confirmation from DESE on the areas outlined in this email.

Family Alert | 2022 COVID-19 Response Update

2022 Guidelines

From everyone at Enhance Family Day Care, we wish you and your family a very happy and healthy start to 2022.

As we commence 2022, with the opening of state borders, we would like to unpack what the new Queensland Government guidelines mean for the Family Day Care sector, as of Monday 3 January. 

Mask Mandate: Educators and families are required to wear a mask indoors and if unable to physically distance 1.5m when outdoors; only removing the mask if it is deemed to be a safety hazard or it is seen to impede communication.
Mandatory face masks | Health and wellbeing | Queensland Government (

Over the next few days, when you enter your Educator's Family Day Care, you will observe the new signs reminding families that masks are required when collecting and dropping off your child(ren) for care each day. Please ensure that you are wearing a mask at all times within your Family Day Care environment.

Vaccinations: Please note that all Enhance Educators, staff,  professional visitors and volunteers will meet the Government mandate to be double dose vaccinated by Monday 24 January 2022, in order to work within or enter a Family Day Care environment.

Confirmed positive COVID-19 cases and Close Contacts:
Please follow the current Queensland Health advice regarding close contact quarantine and testing requirements here.

Steps to follow if you are unwell or have come in contact with a person who has COVD-19
Please follow the current Queensland Health advice here.
If you become aware of a positive COVID-19 case or close contact, being either yourself or a family member please contact your Enhance Service.

Health and Hygiene Reminders
Due to the high number of positive COVID-19 cases and close contacts at present, your Educator has been instructed to follow these practices to keep children, families and themselves safe:

Monitoring and support visits: These remain business as usual. Enhance Family Day Care will continue to conduct their monitoring and support visits, face to face, as long as this is safe to do so. Each visit will be individually assessed.

Thank you for your ongoing commitment to keeping everyone safe.

Educator Alert | 2022 COVID-19 Response Update

2022 Guidelines

From everyone at Enhance Family Day Care, we wish you, your family and your children in care a very happy and healthy start to 2022.

As we commence 2022, with the opening of state borders, we would like to unpack what the new Queensland Government guidelines mean for the Family Day Care sector, as of Monday 3 January. 

Mask Mandate: Educators are required to wear a mask indoors and if unable to physically distance 1.5m when outdoors; only removing the mask if it is deemed to be a safety hazard, it is seen to impede communication or for the purpose of eating and drinking. 
Mandatory face masks | Health and wellbeing | Queensland Government (

Vaccinations: Please note that all Educators, professional visitors and volunteers will need to be double dose vaccinated from Monday 24 January 2022, in order to work within or enter a Family Day Care environment. Copies of vaccination certificates are required to be sent to your Practice Mentor by Friday 21 January.

Confirmed positive COVID-19 cases and Close Contacts:
Please follow the current Queensland Health advice regarding close contact quarantine and testing requirements here.

Steps to follow if you are unwell or have come in contact with a person who has COVD-19
Please follow the current Queensland Health advice here.
If you become aware of a positive COVID-19 case or close contact, being either yourself, a family member, a child in your care or one of your child's family members, please contact your Practice Mentor. If after hours, please contact 07 38991655 to alert the service and receive further advice.

Health and Hygiene Reminders
Due to the high number of positive COVID-19 cases and close contacts at present, we strongly recommend Enhance Educators follow these practices to keep all parties safe:

Practice Mentor visits: These remain business as usual. Enhance Practice Mentors will continue to conduct their monitoring and support visits, face to face, as long as this is safe to do so. Each visit will be individually assessed.

Thank you for your ongoing commitment to keeping everyone safe.

Educator Alert | Mask Mandate for all Enhance Educators

Educator Alert | COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate update

Thank you to those of you who were able to join us on Wednesday night at our bimonthly Enhance Regional meeting. During the meeting, I was able to provide further information about the Public Health Direction requiring mandatory vaccination for workers in specific high-risk settings, including early childhood Educators.

What do we know?
On Tuesday, the Queensland State Government announced a new public Health Direction by the Chief Health Officer requiring mandatory vaccination for workers in specific high-risk settings, including the ECEC workforce. This means that all workers entering ECEC settings will need to be single-dose COVID-19 vaccinated by Friday 17 December 2021, and be double-dose COVID-19 vaccinated by Sunday 23 January 2022. 

Why have they made this directive?
Early childhood education and care settings have been deemed high-risk environments for many reasons, including the assessed risk to children who currently do not have access to protection against COVID-19 with a vaccination.

Who is required to be COVID-19 vaccinated?
Anyone who works in, undertakes an educational placement in, or volunteers in a school, early childhood education and care service (including Kindergarten, Family Day Care, Long Day Care and Outside School Hours Care) is required to adhere to the vaccine mandate.

The mandate includes Family Day Care Educators, assistants, employees, Practice Mentors, Children Services Managers and other contractors or external persons such as yoga/music teachers or volunteers who support the provision of the education and care program.

There are also provisions for those listed under this health directive who are assessed medically exempt from receiving the vaccination.

For further information, visit the Queensland Government website here

Excluded from the requirement are adult occupants and other people living in the residence, visitors, families, and medically exempt people. Please note the Health Directives may change at any time depending on the health advice provided by the government.

The Department of Education, Early Education and Care Special Broadcast, containing further information regarding the Mandate, can be found here.

What does this mean to me?
If you have had your first or second COVID-19 vaccination dose, please forward your vaccination evidence to your Practice Mentor as soon as possible.

There are 3 different types of COVID-19 vaccination evidence:

If you are not currently vaccinated, you will need to have your first dose of the COVID-19 vaccination and provide your evidence to us to continue to provide education and care after Friday 17 December.

We understand that the announcement of the COVID-19 vaccination mandate on Tuesday may cause significant stress and uncertainty for some of you and we recognise that it is a particularly complex and deeply personal choice. We acknowledge and appreciate that you need to make your decision based on what is best for you and your family.

Thank you for the amazing work you do each and every day despite the ongoing impacts that COVID-19 has had on you, our sector and now the complex personal challenges associated with the vaccine mandate. Please discuss with your Service Manager or Practice Mentor to navigate how the mandate applies to you and how we can best support you during this time. 

Wishing you a safe and healthy weekend.

Family Alert | COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate

On Tuesday, the Queensland State Government announced a new public Health Direction requiring mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations for workers in specific high-risk settings. This means that all workers entering ECEC settings will need to be single-dose COVID-19 vaccinated by Friday 17 December 2021, and be double-dose COVID-19 vaccinated by Sunday 23 January 2022. 

Anyone who works in, undertakes an educational placement in, or volunteers in a school, early childhood education and care service (including Kindergarten, Family Day Care, Long Day Care and Outside School Hours Care) is required to adhere to the vaccine mandate.

Why have they made this directive?
Early childhood education and care settings have been deemed high-risk environments for many reasons, including the assessed risk to children who currently do not have access to protection against COVID-19 with a vaccination.

Who is required to be COVID-19 vaccinated?
The mandate includes Family Day Care Educators, assistants, employees, Practice Mentors, Children Services Managers and other contractors or external persons such as yoga/music teachers or volunteers who support the provision of the education and care program. 

Excluded from the requirement are adult occupants and other people living in the residence, visitors, families, and medically exempt people. Please note the Health Directives may change at any time depending on the health advice provided by the government.

What will this mean to your child’s care arrangements?
The COVID-19 vaccine mandate is requiring all workers in a ECEC setting to have their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccination by Friday 17 December to continue to provide education and care after Friday 17 December. We are currently working with our educators to understand what the COVID-19 vaccine mandate means to each individual educator.

We will endeavour to provide further information as it becomes available. If you have any questions regarding the vaccine mandate, please contact your Enhance service.
 Wishing you a safe and healthy weekend.

Educator Alert | COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate

Today the Queensland Government announced a new Health Direction for workers in high-risk settings. This Directive includes schools and all early childhood education and care services, including Family Day Care Educators.

From the information provided by the Queensland Government, we know that all people who are delivering a service at early childhood education and care sites are required to have their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccination by Friday 17 December 2021, and their second dose by 23 January 2022.

We are reviewing and working through the current information from the Queensland Government and will provide more information to you in the coming days.

Please bear with us whilst we take the time to work through the information and assist you with managing the new Health Direction.

For more information regarding the Health Direction, please click on the button below:

Wishing you a safe and healthy week.

COVID-19 Update | Mask mandate has been lifted

COVID-19 Update | Stage 2 Restrictions

Further to this morning's announcement, made by the Queensland State Government, six LGAs will move to Stage 2 COVID-19 restrictions from 4pm today, Thursday 30 September. Following six new locally acquired cases, increased restrictions and vigilance will continue for the next two weeks.

All Family Day Care Educators and families within the 6 LGAs are required to wear a mask at all times in doors, unless alone in a room, or when eating or drinking. Masks must be worn outdoors when unable to physically distance by 1.5m.

We wish to clarify that all other Queensland residents are encouraged to carry and/or wear a mask when physical distancing is not possible. For further information on current restrictions please view the Roadmap.

Anyone whom has symptoms of COVID-19, even if they are mild, must get tested immediately and isolate until results are found to be negative. Children who are unwell and/or display symptoms of COVID-19 are not to attend care. For up to date information visit the Queensland Government website or call Queensland Health on 13 42 68. If you have any further questions around service operation, please contact your Practice Mentor. Thank you for helping us keep everyone safe.

COVID-19 Restrictions | Mask Extension

COVID-19 Update | Restrictions eased from 4pm on Friday

Following the Queensland State Government's announcement, COVID-19 restrictions have eased to Stage 3 for South East Queensland affected LGAs, from 4pm today, Friday 27 August. 

Mask wearing requirements will continue to apply until 4pm Friday, 10 September.

Stage 3 Restrictions

The above restrictions will apply until Friday 10 September at 4pm.

For Queensland's COVID-Safe Future directions, please click here for the Restrictions Roadmap.

For a detailed review of all Stage 3 Restrictions please click on the following link:

Please remember, anyone who has symptoms of COVID-19 must get tested immediately and isolate until results are found to be negative. Children who are unwell and/or display symptoms of COVID-19 are not to attend care.

Thank you for continuing to help keep our communities safe.

COVID-19 Update | Restrictions to Ease at 4pm Today

Following the Queensland State Government's announcement, COVID-19 restrictions are expected to ease to Stage 2 for South East Queensland affected LGAs, from 4pm today, Friday 20 August.

Restrictions for Cairns Regional Council and Yarrabah Aboriginal Shire Council will have the same restrictions as the rest of Queensland.

Stage 2 Restrictions

The above restrictions will apply until Friday 27 August at 4pm.

For Queensland's COVID-Safe Future directions, please click here for the Restrictions Roadmap.

For a detailed review of all Stage 2 Restrictions please click on the following link:

COVID-19 Stage 2 | Further Easing of Restrictions

Please remember, anyone who has symptoms of COVID-19 must get tested immediately and isolate until results are found to be negative. Children who are unwell and/or display symptoms of COVID-19 are not to attend care.

Thank you for continuing to help keep our communities safe.

COVID-19 Restrictions | Cairns Lockdown Restrictions Eased

Following the announcement made earlier today by the Queensland State Government, Cairns COVID-19 lockdown restrictions will be eased from 4pm today, Wednesday 11 August.

The following restrictions will apply until Sunday 22 August at 4pm.

Face Masks
The Queensland Health directive outlines that mask wearing is to continue for everyone in these areas for the next two weeks. During Family Day Care drop off and collection both Educators and families are required to wear a mask. In addition, Educators are required to continue to wear masks when caring for children. Children 12 years of age or older are now required to wear masks.

Contact Tracing
Queensland Health is continuously updating the contact tracing list and has included information for Close, Casual and Low Risk contacts. Please remember to check these lists regularly here.

Anyone who has symptoms of COVID-19 must get tested immediately and isolate until results are found to be negative. Children who are unwell and/or display symptoms of COVID-19 are not to attend care.

Thank you for helping us keep everyone safe.

COVID-19 Restrictions | Lockdown Restictions Update

Following the announcement made earlier today by the Queensland State Government, South East Queensland COVID-19 lockdown restrictions will be eased from 4pm today, Sunday 8 August.

Given the additional confirmed case in Cairns, Yarrabah and Cairns will now go into lockdown for three days, from 4pm today.

Face Masks
The Queensland Health directive outlines that mask wearing is to continue for everyone in these areas for the next two weeks. During Family Day Care drop off and collection both Educators and families are required to wear a mask. In addition, Educators are required to continue to wear masks when caring for children.

Contact Tracing
Queensland Health is continuously updating the contact tracing list and has included information for Close, Casual and Low Risk contacts. Please remember to check these lists regularly here.

Anyone who has symptoms of COVID-19 must get tested immediately and isolate until results are found to be negative. Children who are unwell and/or display symptoms of COVID-19 are not to attend care.

Thank you for helping us keep everyone safe.

Family Alert | Lockdown Update & FAQs


Lockdown Extended for 11 Local Government Areas

As you would be aware, the Premier has announced the following local government areas (LGAs) will be extending the lockdown, until 4pm on Sunday 8 August, 2021.

Anyone who has been in these local government areas is expected to stay at home except for essential purposes. This includes people who have travelled to these areas from other locations.

Please note: Early childhood education and care will remain open for children of essential workers and vulnerable persons only.

Contact Tracing
Queensland Health is continuously updating the contract tracing list and has now included information for Close, Casual and Low Risk contacts. Please remember to check these lists regularly here.

Face Masks
The Queensland Health directive outlines that mask wearing extends to everyone, including all staff working in early childhood education and care. This includes Family Day Care Educators and families.  
A mask should only be removed when communicating with a child, student or person who is deaf or hard of hearing, where the ability to see the mouth is essential for communication.

Additional Allowable Absences I Childcare in COVID-19 Hotspots
The Australian Government has announced childcare services in a Commonwealth-declared COVID-19 hotspot can access additional allowable absences if the declaration extends for more than seven days.

Families will not have to use their 42 days of allowable absences during the lockdown. Additional absences will be available until the end of the hotspot declaration. During this time the Parent Gap Fee still needs to be paid for absences.

Family Safety Questions
If your Educator is located in a one of the 11 LGAs, they are required to ask you the following questions, on arrival to the service, in order to keep your family and your Educator safe. The below questions will determine whether it is safe for the child to attend FDC:

If the answer is yes to any of the above questions, your child cannot attend FDC until they return a negative COVID-19 test and/or complete QLD Health isolation requirements. Your Educator will be guided by and refer to the QLD Health Contact tracing list. Please contact your service if you have questions around this.

Keep up to date with the latest information by clicking on the buttons below:

COVID-19 Information for Services & Families

Cuurent Restrictions for Lockdown Areas

We hope you are keeping safe and healthy during these challenging times.

Educator Alert | Lockdown Update & FAQs


Lockdown Extended for 11 Local Government Areas

As you would be aware, the Premier has announced the following local government areas (LGAs) will be extending the lockdown, until 4pm on Sunday 8 August, 2021.

Anyone who has been in these local government areas is expected to stay at home except for essential purposes. This includes people who have travelled to these areas from other locations.

Please note: Early childhood education and care will remain open for children of essential workers and vulnerable persons only.

Contact Tracing
Queensland Health is continuously updating the contract tracing list and has now included information for Close, Casual and Low Risk contacts. Please remember to check these lists regularly here.

Face Masks
The Queensland Health directive outlines that mask wearing extends to everyone, including all staff working in early childhood education and care. This includes Family Day Care Educators.  

A mask should only be removed when communicating with a child, student or person who is deaf or hard of hearing, where the ability to see the mouth is essential for communication.

Additional Allowable Absences I Childcare in COVID-19 Hotspots
The Australian Government has announced childcare services in a Commonwealth-declared COVID-19 hotspot can access additional allowable absences if the declaration extends for more than seven days.

Families will not have to use their 42 days of allowable absences during the lockdown. Additional absences will be available until the end of the hotspot declaration. During this time the Parent Gap Fee still needs to be paid for absences.

Family Safety Questions
If you are located in a one of the 11 LGAs, we require you to ask your families the following questions, on arrival to your service, in order to keep you and your families safe. The below questions will determine if the child can attend FDC:

If the answer is yes to any of the above questions, the child cannot attend FDC until they return a negative COVID-19 test and/or complete QLD Health isolation requirements. Please refer to the QLD Health Contact tracing list. An email will be sent out to all families, detailing the questions included and the outcome of answering yes.

For more information please click on the button below to access the Queensland Government COVID-19 frequently asked questions for early childhood education and care:

COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions here

We thank you for your commitment and dedication to your children and families during these challenging times.

Family Alert | COVID-19 Snap Lockdown

South East Queensland Snap Lockdown

Following a further six locally acquired cases of COVID-19, linked to Indooroopilly State High School, South East Queensland will be entering a three day lockdown from 4pm today.

To protect the health of Queenslanders, the following areas will be subject to new restrictions:

From 4pm today (Saturday 31 July) until 4pm Tuesday (3 August), residents of the aforementioned areas will only be permitted to leave home for one of the following reasons:

  1. Obtaining essential goods or services, including healthcare.
  2. Attending essential work or child care.
  3. To exercise, with household group and/or on other person from outside your household.
  4. Assisting vulnerable persons.
  5. To receive vaccinations.
  6. To be tested for COVID-19.

Family Day Care will continue to operate, therefore families who decide to not access care will be required to use absences. Absences used will continue to attract a gap fee. For children who are not accessing care the usual absence rules apply unless notified otherwise.

At risk Educators who do not feel comfortable operating during the lockdown are within their rights to not provide care, however, they are required to advise their service and families and cannot charge for absences.

COVID-Safe Requirements

Regardless of where you live, please continue to keep COVID-Safe practices at the forefront of all of your actions and to keep your child(ren) at home if they are experiencing any signs or symptoms of COVID-19.

If you or a household member are experiencing symptoms or have come into contact with a COVID-19 patient, you are required to get tested immediately, quarantine at home and do not access Family Day Care until you receive a negative result.

If you have any further questions regarding today's South East Queensland and Townsville and Regions Lockdown announcement, please contact your Enhance Service.

We will continue to update families as information comes to hand. For more information, please visit the Queensland Government Website here.

Wishing everyone a safe and healthy weekend

Educator Alert | COVID-19 Snap Lockdown Update

South East Queensland Snap Lockdown

Following a further six locally acquired cases of COVID-19, linked to Indooroopilly State High School, South East Queensland will be entering a three day lockdown from 4pm today.

To protect the health of Queenslanders, the following areas will be subject to new restrictions:

From 4pm today (Saturday 31 July) until 4pm Tuesday (3 August), residents of the aforementioned areas will only be permitted to leave home for one of the following reasons:

  1. Obtaining essential goods or services, including healthcare.
  2. Attending essential work or child care.
  3. To exercise, with household group and/or on other person from outside your household.
  4. Assisting vulnerable persons.
  5. To receive vaccinations.
  6. To be tested for COVID-19.

Family Day Care will continue to operate, therefore families who decide to not access care will be required to use absences. Absences used will continue to attract a gap fee. For children who are not accessing care the usual absence rules apply unless notified otherwise.

At risk Educators who do not feel comfortable operating during the lockdown are within their rights to not provide care, however, they are required to advise their service and cannot charge their families for absences.

COVID-Safe Requirements

Anyone (Educators or families) who has travelled to the aforementioned areas on or since Thursday 29 July will need to self-isolate for the three days and follow the same rules. 

Regardless of where you live, please continue to keep COVID-Safe practices at the forefront of all of your actions and remind families to keep children at home if they are experiencing any signs or symptoms of COVID-19.

If you or a household member are experiencing symptoms or have come into contact with a COVID-19 patient, you are required to get tested immediately, quarantine at home and do not return to work until you receive a negative result. If you have any further questions regarding today's South East Queensland snap lockdown announcement, please contact your Enhance Practice Mentor.

We will continue to update Educators as information comes to hand. For more information, please visit the Queensland Government Website here.

Wishing everyone a safe and healthy week.